Saturday, May 8, 2010

First Post on Redone Blog!

Ugh, it has been SO long since I've blogged, well - had the time to! Over the last year my life has been so crazy busy! Firstly, Marriage!! I got married on 7.08.09 to my wonderful hubby Duc. We moved across the country, from Arizona to UP of Michigan - and I am already ready to go "home" lol and here is why! We are expecting #2!!!!! I am so far from my family, it's not like they can just pick up and leave when I have 3 younger sisters. They were in my 2 year old son's life everyday until the day we left for MI. So it's hard for them, as well as me, to grasp them not being around the second baby. BUT! Good News - we will be moving back to Arizona or atleast somewhere in a days worth of driving distance. We just haven't decided where to yet.